Gianni Mattu

Giovanni Battista Mattu was born in the province of Nuoro, Sardinia, and from a young age, showed a strong predisposition for drawing and painting, creating images inspired by the works of the Renaissance, the Impressionists, the Macchiaioli, and Sardinian artists of the early twentieth century. Over the years, he cultivated his passion for art, attending various painting technique courses, while strengthening his strong connection with the wild, untouched nature and traditions of his land. Today, he lives and has his studio in Alghero.His artistic career began in the 1990s when he created several murals together with other artists in Fonni, in the province of Nuoro; this was followed by his first group exhibitions, and in 2001, his first solo exhibition in Alghero, when he decided to sign his works with an art name, Gianni Mattu. Over the years, he has held many exhibitions both in Italy and abroad, including "Artistes du monde" in Cannes in 2015, the Rome Triennial in 2016 in collaboration with the Trittico Gallery, and the Arte Padova International Fair in 2018. Among numerous awards, he won the third international prize Arcaista Tarquinia.
Gianni Mattu is an artist in constant search, for whom it is essential that painting can merge with the expressiveness of the most diverse materials. Initially, he dedicated himself mainly to oil on canvas with a palette knife, with a material technique and an expressionist language that synthesizes figures and landscapes, but also portraits. Particular to this period are the series dedicated to children's games, memories of a time when toys were invented, and manual skills and imagination were important, as well as socialization; some children are depicted with traditional costumes that are still in use, representing the importance of Sardinian traditions and identity that are still passed down today. Over time, the artist began to experiment with "difficult" surfaces, seeking a harmonious expression that can communicate emotions and stories to the viewer through the use of unexpected mediums. Thus, sand, cardboard, and even cut-up used jute sacks appear in his works, offering a sensation of lived experience and time, and when glued onto board or canvas, they blend with the almost sculptural materiality of acrylic and oil color. In other paintings, fragments of prickly pears are intertwined, which, when dried and peeled, present a texture that resembles ancient embroidery, or resin-coated carasau bread, a symbol of his land, once made only by women, who together created moments of socialization. Furthermore, his passion for the mosaic technique allows the artist to unexpectedly and happily combine marble tesserae and paint, mixed with fragments of other natural elements, such as cork. Gianni Mattu also explores new painting supports, such as concrete or oxidized metal sheets, where rust becomes part of the work and creates fields that blend fascinatingly with colored pigments; he finally experiments with land art installations, like the 2700 square meters on the beach of Alghero on the occasion of the Giro d'Italia in 2017.
Gianni Mattu astonishes with his great ability to always put himself out there through original materials and techniques; at the same time, he manages to tell the story of his land with great poetry, in the ancient yet modern faces of women, in the happiness of childhood images, in the strength of nature. His works fill the eyes with colors and the hands with unexpected and fascinating surfaces, in a breath of timeless serenity.
Group exhibition
2019 - Collective exhibition in Porto Rotondo with the Associazione OlbiaPulse.
2018 - Collective exhibition at Monserrato Park with “Associazione Respirarte Sassari” (June).
2018 - Collective exhibition with the Cultural Association (Arte Kaos) in Sassari (May).
2017 - Collective exhibition at Galleria Mentana in Florence (June).
2017 - International exhibition “Artiste du Monde Cannes” in France.
2017 - Collective exhibition at Torre Sulis organized by “Associazione Culturale La Rete delle Donne, Alghero.”
2016 - International exhibition “Artiste du Monde Cannes” in France.
2016 - Collective exhibition with Associazione Culturale Respirarte (SS) at Castelsardo Castle, starting July 22.
2016 - Collective exhibition with Associazione Culturale “Art IN” in Arzachena from July 16.
2016 - Collective exhibition at “Museo Sa Corona Arrubbia” for the Rome Triennial selection, Galleria Trittico Roma.
2016 - Collective exhibition “Pro Loco San Giovanni” at Torre di Sulis in Alghero.
2016 - Collective exhibition with “Associazione Culturale Respirarte” at Monserrato Park in Sassari, June 4-5.
2015 - International exhibition (Artiste du Monde) in Cannes, France, September 24-27.
2015 - Collective exhibition with Associazione Culturale Olbia Pulse in Budoni.
2015 - Collective exhibition, Candelieri, August 12-15, in the historical center of Sassari.
2015 - Collective exhibition from June 6-14 at Galleria Spazio 61 in Cagliari.
2014 - Collective exhibition in Alghero, Associazione Culturale Botigueta, at Ristorante Il Pavone.
2014 - Collective exhibition in San Teodoro (Artigianato Pasella).
2014 - Collective exhibition with “Associazione Culturale Olbiapulse” in Budoni (Raighinas).
2014 - Collective exhibition at Galleria Banari, small format fair.
2014 - Collective exhibition for the Premio La Spadarina in Piacenza.
2014 - Collective exhibition for the Premio Combat.
2013 - Collective exhibition in Fonni, Francescani convent sales (Cortes Apertas).
2013 - Collective exhibition in San Teodoro (Artigianato Pasella).
2012 - Collective exhibition in Alghero, municipal palace.
2011 - Collective exhibition of Sardinian painters (Galleria Arte Spazio) in Sassari.
2011 - Collective exhibition in Sassari, municipal hall, Sala Duce.
2010 - Collective exhibition in Turin (Associazione Culturale Arcaista).
2010 - Collective exhibition in Turin (Associazione Arcaista).
2010 - Collective exhibition in Lanciano (Associazione Arcaista).
2010 - Collective exhibition at Hotel Pedralada in Castelsardo (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2010 - Collective exhibition in Sassari (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2010 - Collective exhibition at Reggia di Caserta (Associazione Arcaista).
2009 - Collective exhibition in Tarquinia, VT (Associazione Arcaista).
2009 - Collective exhibition in Castelsardo, Hotel Pedraladda (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2009 - Collective exhibition in Bitritto, Puglia (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2008 - Collective exhibition in Bultei, council chamber (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2008 - Collective exhibition in Bitritto, Puglia (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2007 - Collective exhibition in Sassari (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2007 - Collective exhibition in Bultei (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2007 - Collective exhibition in Sassari, Christmas exhibition (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2006 - Collective exhibition in Padru (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2006 - Collective exhibition in Bultei, council chamber (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2006 - Collective exhibition in Sassari (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2005 - Collective exhibition in Badesi, Hotel Baia delle Mimose (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2005 - Collective exhibition in Ozieri (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2005 - Collective exhibition in Sassari (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2004 - Collective exhibition in Badesi, Hotel Baia delle Mimose (Galleria Arte Spazio).
2001 - Collective exhibition in Fonni, convent of the martyrs kiosk.
1998 - Collective exhibition in Sennori, council chamber.
1998 - Collective exhibition in Ozieri, combatants’ hall.
Solo exhibition
2024 - Participation in the television broadcast on RAI3 "La Seconda Vita" on March 8.
2023 - Solo exhibition in Orune, "Autunno in Barbagia."
2023 - Featured in the television program “Linea Verde Life” on Rai 1 in October.
2022 - Solo exhibition in Belvì, “Autunno in Barbagia.”
2019 - Solo exhibition in Tonara, Easter, Torrone Festival.
2018 - Solo exhibition in Poltu Quatu (port).
2018 - Solo exhibition (Miradas) in Room N°4, Via C.Alberto Alghero, Alghero.
2018 - Participation in Arte Padova Fair.
2018 - Solo exhibition in Fonni (Cortes).
2018 - Participation in Art Genova Fair in February.
2018 - Solo exhibition in the council chamber of Tonara (NU) in April.
2017 - Solo exhibition in Fonni (NU) in November.
2017 - Participation in Art Padova Fair in November.
2017 - Participation in ArtParma Fair in October.
2017 - Solo exhibition “Sala Sari Liceo Manno Alghero” in August.
2017 - Artistic installation on the beach of S.Giovanni Alghero for the start of the Giro d'Italia in May.
2017 - Solo exhibition in Tonara (Torrone Festival) in April.
2016 - Solo exhibition at the Museum of Pastoral Culture in Fonni (Cortes Apertas).
2015 - Solo exhibition at the Museum in Barumini from November 2015 to January 2016.
2015 - Solo exhibition in Fonni (Cortes Apertas).
2015 - Solo exhibition in the historical center of Arzachena, Costa Smeralda, with the cultural association (La Rosa di Gerico).
2014/15 - Solo exhibition in Montegranatico (Associazione Culturale Istellas) in Simaxis (OR) from December to January.
2014 - Solo exhibition in Alghero, Torre San Francesco.
2014 - Solo exhibition in Tonara, Torrone Festival.
2013 - Solo exhibition in Aritzo, Chestnut Festival.
2013 - Solo exhibition in Alghero, Ex Sailors' Club.
2013 - Solo exhibition in Sedilo, S.Costantino Festival.
2013 - Solo exhibition in Tonara, council chamber, Torrone Festival.
2012 - Solo exhibition in Monteleone Rocca Doria, municipal library.
2012 - Solo exhibition in Alghero, Ex Sailors' Club.
2012 - Solo exhibition in Castelsardo, Sala X of the castle.
2012 - Solo exhibition in Onifai (International Exhibition Sardegna Produce).
2012 - Solo exhibition in Tonara, council chamber.
2011 - Solo exhibition in Alghero, Ex Circolo Marinai d'Italia.
2011 - Solo exhibition in Castelsardo, Sala X of the castle.
2010 - Solo exhibition in Castelsardo, Sala X of the castle.
2001 - Solo exhibition in Alghero, Torre di Sulis.
Participation in contests and awards received
2018 - 1st place at the "Mediolanum" award, Genova Fair.
2018 - 4th place in the "Contemporary Talent Show" award, Padova.
2017 - 4th place in the "Contemporary Art Talent Show" award, Padova Fair.
2016 - 2nd place at Artiste du Monde, Cannes.
2015 - Award at Artiste du Monde, Cannes.
2014 - Participation in the Combat Prize contest.
2014 - Participation in the contest at Galleria La Spadarina, Piacenza, (Critics' Prize).
2012 - Participation in the Arte Laguna Prize contest.
2011 - Participation in the Celeste Prize contest.
2010 - Finalist in the contest (1st International Prize New York) (Plaque).
2010 - Career Award "Trophy" (Centro Diffusione Arte Palermo).
2009 - 2nd place for painting (3rd International Prize Arcaista Tarquinia VT).
2009 - Participation in the Mondadori Art contest.
2009 - Participation in the Arte Laguna contest.
2009 - Participation in the Rome Art Prize contest.
2009 - Participation in the Giotto Prize Padova contest.
2008 - Awarded at the Sennori live painting competition.
2005 - 5th place at the Ottana live painting competition.
2004 - 4th place in the Gavoi portrait contest.
2004 - Awarded at the Castelsardo live painting competition.
2004 - 4th place at the Ottana live painting competition.
2004 - 2nd place at the S.Pantaleo live painting competition.
2003 - 3rd place at the Codrongianos live painting competition.
2003 - Awarded at the Sennori live painting competition.
2003 - 2nd place at the Busachi live painting competition.
2003 - 3rd place at the S.Maria Coghinas live painting competition.
2002 - 2nd place in the Gavoi portrait contest.